Release 2

release 2.png

Expected Additional Features

  1. Enhance AI Model for Insect Recognition with confidence and tail number and length.
  2. Hardware Device Power Supply Make it Become Portable
  3. Mobile Application 
    • Upload Insect and River Image to Server
    • Weather Display
    • Survey Surrounding Info When User Taking Sampling
  4. Admin Site
    • Heat Map
    • Clusterer Map
    • Showing data from DB and also ability to CRUD
    • Super Admin, Admin, and User 3 level Account setup

Major Features

  1. AI Model
    • A full model for Mayflies group 
    • A full model for Stoneflies group
    • Accept the image and return analysis results
    • AI Model now returning both confidence and number of tails ( to distinguish between Mayflies and Baeties)
  2. Hardware 
    • Linking PH, Temperature sensor with hardware 
    • Linking GPS with hardware  for location
    • Linking GPRS with hardware and sending data to AWS server via Pubnub
    • Having power supply on hardware make it become portable.
  3. Mobile Application
    • Take New Sample
    • Showing Historical Data
    • Showing Water Condition Results
  4. Server && APIs
    • Set up Database on AWS server 
    • User Account APIs (login, register)
    • River APIs (get river details by location name or coordinate)
    • Arduino API (receive and save detected data from Pubnub)
    • AI model APIs (receive user uploaded image and return insects analysis results, return the Water Condition) 
    • Sampling Record API
    • Report Problem API
    • Insect API

Additional Features

  • Testing && CI pipeline
    • E2E testing on Mobile Application 
    • Set up CI pip on GitHub and generate testing report for UI && APIs
  • CD Pipeline that deploy server to AWS EB everytimes the branch is merge.
  • Web Application - Admin Site
    • CRUD on Data
    • Heat Map
    • Clusterer Map
    • Super Admin, Admin, and User 3 level Account
  • Mobile Application
    • User And Login
    • User Landing Screen
    • Locate River
    • Link to Arduino by Arduino ID
    • Upload Image to Server
    • Terms & Condition
    • Safety Guide
    • Help Page
    • Application Intro
    • Weather Display
    • Surrounding Environments Survey
    • Allow User to upload Image of Insect and River and taking sampling
    • Allow user to report the problem about wrong insect recognized

Futher Release Plan

Low Priority Function that not place in Release 2

  1. Export Data Selected in Admin SIte
  2. FIlter Data at Admin SIte
  3. Function Let admin create multiple accounts at a 1 action.

Improvement on Current Application

  1. Optimizing the overall application animation
  2. Improving the details display on Mobile App Sample Review
  3. Improving the function for activity map
  4. Improving the content of the index home page.
  5. Put in more dataset into AI training.

Known Bugs

 Weather API Ask For Location Waiting

error_loop.gif Sometimes infinite loading on home screen due to weather data gathering. 

 AI Model Server Overloading

error_ai_2.pngerror_ai.png Sometimes get server response 500 when uploading an image for AI analysis, this happens because the memory within the google cloud platform stacks with every commit bit by bit and cause it to overflow the storage limit.

 Sampling Location Duplicate




The sampling data now storing in the database is depend on the location of the river instead of the location of the user, this will having the problem when the admin trying to review it on admin site. It make the activity map become clusterer, and cannot display specific data.

 Dark Theme

 MicrosoftTeams-image (4).png.1 This error occurred when running on a Redmi Note 8 pro with MUI 11 OS, it has the dark theme set as default on phone and it affected the app theme also 




Hardware Demo

Taking New Sample

View Sample History

Normal User Quetionnaire

Normal users Screenshot


Profession Feedback

  1. Weather Data comes form API, also allow users to record weather condition manually.
  2. Prefer real-time surrounding photo or say take photo directly rather than select from the image gallery on phone.

More information:

  1. Insects database only has 1 picture for each insect, not enough to train AI mode.

AI Model Process Demo

Admin Website Demo


Database Schema
