Release 1

release 1.png

Expected features

  1. Ai Model for Bug Recognition
  2. Arduino Hardware
    • Ph
    • Temp
    • Gps
    • GPRS
    • Azure
  3. Collect Data Adruino Sent and Store to DB
  4. Create the API to Connect Adruino needed
  5. Calculate the Water Condition from Image Uploaded
  6. Mobile Application
    • User Landing
    • Take New Sample
    • Locate River
    • Link to Arduino
    • Upload Image to Server
    • Showing Result
    • Showing Historical Data
    • Simple Register And Login
  7. User Testing

Core features

  1. AI Model
    • A full model for Mayflies group 
    • Accept the image and return analysis results
    • Stored on server
  2. Arduino Hardware 
    • Linking PH, Temperature sensor with Arduino board
    • Linking GPS with Arduino board for location
    • Linking GPRS with Arduino board and sending data to AWS server via Pubnub
  3. Server && APIs
    • Set up Database on AWS server 
    • User Account APIs (login, register)
    • River APIs (get river details by location name or coordinate)
    • Arduino API (receive and save detected data from Pubnub)
    • AI model APIs (receive user uploaded image and return insects analysis results, return the Water Condition) 
  4. Mobile Application
    • User Register And Login
    • User Landing Screen
    • Take New Sample
    • Locate River
    • Link to Arduino by Arduino ID
    • Upload Image to Server
    • Showing Water Condition Results
    • Showing Historical Data
  5. Testing && CI pipeline
    • E2E testing on Mobile Application 
    • Set up CI pip on GitHub and generate testing report for UI && APIs

Futher Release Plan

  1. Power Supply on Hardware
    • Install the Power Supply On the hardware currently having
  2. AI Model Improvement
    • Improvement the AI Model by developing the ability it identified the length and number of tails of insect. 
    • Develop the ability to identify the "wrong group insect" that appear on the river side. 
  3. Complete Detail Missing
    • Having the form that able the user to input the surrounding environment
    • Terms & Condition
    • Safety Guild 
  4. Help & Navigation
    • Application Intro When User First Open The App
    • The pop-out help function that helps the user to navigate through the apps
  5. Admin Site - Activity Map
    • An extra feature that developing the admin website and able the admin to trace user activity.

Hardware Demo

Taking New Sample

View Sample History

Automation Testing

E2E testing report

Profession Feedback

  1. Miss environments identifications part when a user is taking sampling.
  2. Some improvements:
    • Show scores for each group when the final result is displayed.
    • Missing environmental Data such as weather condition or description of water flow rate.
    • Help components/Tutorial Helping Navigate.
    • Security and terms conditions for a new register.
    • Allow users to correct AI recognization results if the users consider the AI model is incorrect after they upload insects pictures.
    • The font size could be changeable in case some users need it.
  3. A map basic website for the admin to show the sampling overview of an area.

More information:

  1. Insects database with high-quality pictures, but need to confirm the copyright access first.
  2. Got 5 professional knowledge background.

AI Model Process Demo

API Testing Report


Database Schema
