Concept Development


Overall flow chart, Short video of UI prototype, simple explanation on the hardware flowchart.

Presentation and Speaker Notes.


  • Must
    • Ai Model for Bug Recognition
    • Arduino Hardware
      • Ph
      • Temp
      • Gps
      • GPRS
      • Azure
    • Collect Data Adruino Sent and Store to DB
    • Create the API to Connect Adruino needed
    • Calculate the Water Condition from Image Uploaded
    • Mobile Application
      • User Landing
      • Take New Sample
      • Locate River
      • Link to Arduino
      • Upload Image to Server
      • Showing Result
      • Showing Historical Data
    • User Testing
  • Should
    • Mobile Application Simple Register And Login
    • Introduction Pop up Function
    • Arduino Power Supply
    • Handling Wrong Insect Recognize And Update Model
    • Test Adruino In the River
  • Could
    • Help Page
    • Website
      • River Select Map
      • River Select List
      • Graph Displayed
      • Download Data
    • Adruino Hardware with Oxygen Dissolved percentage Collect
    • Adruino Hardware with Water Velocity percentage Collect
    • Community Between Citizen Scientist
      • Chat Group
      • Chat Room
      • Data Sharing
  • Won't have in this time
    • Hotspot Provide by GPRS
    • Multiple Site Adruino Plant
    • Controlling Adruino Through Mobile Device

Data Schema In Plan



All sensors are interfaced to the Arduino microcontroller and pass all the data they collected from the river like PH value, water temperature and dissolved oxygen to the microcontroller.


Arduino collects the measurements data periodically and uploads the data with the GPS coordinate into a database using GPRS data link.


After the datas are all stored in the database user can then simply view all the datas on their devices like smartphones or computer in a beautiful user interface. User can aslo upload data from their devices.

Paper Prototype


This diagram shows how each sensor and the GPRS module connects to the Arduino board.


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. You can determine what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board.

PH Sensor is typically used for water measurement. It measures PH values in water.

Water Temperature Sensor is typically used for water measurement. It measures water temperature in water.

A9G GPRS/GSM +GPS Module is a complete GSM/GPRS + quad-band GPS module. This is an IoT solution that can support basic telephone voice/SMS calls, GPRS, and GPS data transmission functions.



UI paper prototype

Web paperProtype

Hand Notes