Josh Nevin Portfolio


About me

Name: Josh Nevin

Course: Level 8 BSc(Hons) in Computing



Individual Mahara Page:

What I learned

Kotlin mobile development

Working as a member of a development team

Working fully online

Using servers with mobile development

Adobe XD for prototyping


Download TacTalkFinal.mp4 [15.37MB]

Project Details


Project: Voice Recognition for Tactical Analysis

Project Description: A match analyst will dictate a Gaelic football match  into an app which sends the data to a database where the details can be viewed on a computer at half time or after the match.

Team: Rojak

Team Members: Josh Nevin,Thomas Mckeown, Timothy Nguoi, Francis Quinn, Shikui Wang

My Roles: Lead Front end developer,




Since I am the lead designer of the UI I looked into various different principles of design and accessibility.


For this project I began working with Flutter.Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. I had to change that due to the fact it would not be as compatible as kotlin with some of the voice recognition software and library's we were planning on using.


As I have been doing the module human factors I have been looking into different ways of making our app more accessible and how to incorporate it into our design.For that module I had done a presentation on making your app design more accessible to those who have issues with vision. I think this gave me insight on the problems they may have and how to make alleviate these issues.

During this project I began working with kotlin for the first time and got some experience now with creating apps using it.



Lead Front End


Final Design



Initial Design


This is the initial mock up I made of how we could display the stats to the analyst. Displaying all the players in positions on the pitch with stats on the right hand side it can switch between team stats or player stats.


Initial Mobile Design


This was the very basic recording page we setup. With this design the focus was to figure out what was absolutely essential for our design we did not anything that was non functional or useless. It is important that the user has a clean and accessible page when recording something that at a glance they know what to press as they are trying to focus on the match.


They key technical challenges were trying to get the ui in kotlin to link up with the recording libraries we were working with and keep the functionality. We had a functional recording but a problem was getting the clock to display that as it was recording, and have it start and stopping while keeping the time.

Fleshed out Design





This is our more fleshed out design for TacTalk.

Here you can see how we use the colors of the logo in the layout to try keep the theme consistent.

The page is kept clean and basic to help the user focus on their task and not add unnecessary clutter

Design changes from user feedback



When we spoke to the annalist and coaches they mentioned how they would like the know where shots are coming from and also the percentages when it comes to attacking and passing.

This inspired me to add different tabs so they can swipe to see key information relating to key areas such as possessions,kickouts and position.

In the position tabs coaches can see where the team has the most shots and kickouts as to give them idea to where they are shooting from or weak defensively.