Josh Nevin Rojack


My main role for the team will be the design of the main webpage in which displays the team and stats. I will also be working with Shikui on design of other aspects of the app such as the mobile side or user profiles.

We deiced to build our app using kotlin and android studio which will be a first for us all.

My specialism is going to be on designing the UI and team page to ensure that the stats and information is displayed in the most legible way as possible and that it is clear for the user to see where the team is lacking or strong so they can make the best decision going forward.

Sprint 1 Team Formation and Idea discussion.

We decided to use our team from last year with the added member of Shikui because we worked well together. Our roles are also similar to the previous year I will be doing front end and UI with Shikui,Thomas and Timothy as the back end and database with Francis as team lead and scrum master.

After forming out teams we began to discuss various ideas and by the end of our class we had decided on three main ideas we wanted to focus on A pub app for ordering drinks from your table, A player registration system for local clubs and lastly a voice recognition tactical annotation app.

Our main idea was going to be the player registration app but unfortunately one of the other groups got to the idea before us as it was proposed by our lecturers so we deiced to shift our attention to making the voice recognition tactical annotation app. I then started to look up ideas for how we could display the data taken from the voice and display it for the user.

For the presentation next week we discussed what each of us will be doing. My job will be to make up a mock design for the webpage on Adobe XD a i am families with Adobe XD it should not be a problem to make a working prototype that can help get our app idea across to the panel. I also should have no problems as I have used to software before.

Sprint 2 Presenting our Idea

This sprint we are presenting our idea to the panel and getting feedback
My job for this presentation was to prepare an adobe XD mock up of what our website could look like when the coach or analyst is looking at it from a desktop.My goal was to make sure it was a clear interface that allows to user to view the stats of the team in a originated manner. This should help them figure out where they are struggling as a team in what areas and what they need to improve upon.
I took inspiration from the fantasy football website and decided to have a layout in which you can see the player position as shown in the image below.


This is the mock design I made for the display of the team I decided to simulate a match between two low level local clubs focusing on Swords Celtic. In the picture you can see the formation of the team and where each player is positioned.I wanted to have as much useful information displayed as possible so on the far left you have fixtures, front and center are your players and on the right are the team stats as recorded by the app.


In this Image you may notice the only thing that changed is the stats on the right. That is because on Adobe XD when you click on any of the players on the field it displays the individual stats of that player. As you can see the player got Man of the Match and has gotten no cards in the game and also game time. The idea behind this is that the manager can take a close look at each player to help them get a better of idea where the team is lacking or need more focusing on.

After the presentation the feedback I got on my prototype was mostly positive but I realized ways I could improve the design thanks to what the members of the panel said to me. One example was that I should have the full names instead of abbreviations and how I should make an alternative view so you can just view the raw stats as recorded.

For the next week I am going to try add to the prototype the feedback I got from the panel and keep learning Vue which we as a team thought would be a good technology to look into to make out website as it is seems like it could help speed up development of our website. A problem with that though is that since we are all learning about it we may come across problems at the start but I am confident as a team we will be able to overcome this obstacle.


Sprint 3 - Taking the feedback

This sprint we were focusing on refining our idea and the way we are planning to approach the project. I also had to change the prototype to more represent our idea as the one I had designed was for a football match not a Gaelic Football match so that involved changing the pitch length to accommodate the different amount of players on the pitch and also the fact that points and other stats are tracked in Gaelic.

I am also going to be researching Vue js and how we could possibly use in our project for the website as it seems like it could cut down development time and is a new challenge for me to tackle during this project. Vue is an open source JavaScript Frame Work that is very versatile which could help our project a lot.

Issues could be that since this is so early in the project spending time on searching this framework could have better been used on something else if it turns out we cannot use it.

Sprint 4 - Refocusing

This sprint we had met with out external Co-coordinator and realized that the website is not a necessity right now and could be left until later, the biggest focus for us right now is the mobile app as it will be the first thing we need to get our app up and running.

So my job this week was to explore possible frameworks or coding languages to use on our mobile app.

I looked at various ones and was going to use Flutter as we could develop for android and Ios at the same time to make sure our app is compatible but we later found out we would have problems using flutter with our voice recognition libraries that we were planning to use as flutter would not be able to support the language or the library. We decided to use Kotlin as I am using it in my mobile development class and am somewhat familiar with it so I would not be starting from scratch.



Flutter would not be compatible with our voice recognition so we need to abandon flutter.

Sprint 5 - Mobile Development

This sprint I wanted to set up a very basic page for the recording code that Francis has done just to test out the fragments would work together with the code we have so far. I wanted to also get an overflow menu with a nav bar working but it was causing issues with the fragment for switching between pages so I decided for now to leave it out and next week I will focus on doing a basic layout of the other pages we would be needing in the app.




This was the basic stats page I had that we would display at half time or after the game,I done this to test navigation and to check if the code was working properly. I am not happy with he look or the way the stats are displayed so next week I'm planning to change it and make it display better stats and look a lot better.



I also began research other sports mobile applications to get an idea of how we could style and design our app and see what the apps we would be competing with would look like.

Sprint 6 Mobile layouts


This is the landing page the user goes onto after the go though the steps of match day setup and login. The user has this landing page before the recording page to give them a chance to make sure they are ready before the match starts.


This is the page that allows recording for the match. here you can see the scores of the match updated as time goes on due to user commands. It also has the clock in the middle so you know what minute the game is in. The buttons here give you the option to start the recording, press pause in case of an emergency or the match stops and the option to end the half so you can get halftime summary of statistics.

Sprint 7 - Stats page getting started


This is the updated page of the statistics I wanted to get rid of the colored boxs and just have it as raw stats showing the most important information to the user so they can get underway with the halftime changes. At the bottom of the screen you can see the button to start the next half which will redirect them to the recording page again but for the second half this time.



This is the screen after the match is complete. you have the option to check the stats for the full game and half or go back to recording page to record any missing stats for example an extra goal.


Navigation was also a big part of this sprint. I started connecting all the pages together via buttons using the navigation graph and fragment functions.



During the sprint I realized if we wanted to use certain features in kotlin I would have to change from fragments to activities the problem with this was that it meant changing a lot of the code and was an unexpected problem with no planned hours for.

Sprint 8 - Connecting Stats to the Database and mock up design

During this sprint My goal was to connect the basic stats we have to the database and display dummy data for now. I used api calls to achieve this


This sprint I implemented a timer function on the recording page so that it starts count once you press play, Adding more usability to the recording page allowing the user to see what time it is during the match.






 This was the design I presented to Kevin our external co-coordinator to get his feedback on the flow of the app and to get his opinion on the stats page as that is one of our key areas that needs to be done right.



Since this was my first time working with Kotlin and also the fact I have not been working on the back end making the api calls and connecting the front end to the back too longer than expected and I ran into some problems which required me to get some help from our team lead Francis


Sprint 8 - Mockup Demo

Download 2021-01-15 21-48-36.mp4 [12.05MB]

Sprint 9 - Displaying score from user speech plus bug fixs


I was working on getting the score to update on the recording page as well as working on that page in general to update the look.

This version the colors are more toned down and the page is minimalist because we don't want too much clutter on the page when the user is trying to record.



I also had to spend time fixing the bugs with the stats page where the stats would lag and not load from the database

Sprint 10 - Updating our stats from user feedback

 This Sprint we presented our application to a coach and analyst from gaa clubs. I got some feedback about what type of stats they are mostly looking for that can actually be used to make changes at half time and what stats they would like to look at after the game. This was a good insight for me so I decided to make the following changes to our stats pages during the week.


When we spoke to the annalist and coaches they mentioned how they would like the know where shots are coming from and also the percentages when it comes to attacking and passing. This inspired me to add different tabs so they can swipe to see key information relating to key areas such as possessions,kickouts and position. In the position tabs coaches can see where the team has the most shots and kickouts.



When we met with the groups and presented the pages they had some notes and good points about the stats page which meant instead of being able to move on I had to go back and make changes to this page which is good in the long run but time wise with the release and other ca it put me under pressure

Final App Demo

Download TacTalkFinal.mp4 [15.37MB]

Sprint 11 - User Testing

This sprint I met up with a friend of mine for user testing we were fortunate enough that some people were playing football where we sat in the park so I got him to actually use our app in a real life setting which was some very insightful to how some beginners might use the application.


You can read about mine and the groups user testing here


This sprint I was also trying to get the stats page to update when a live game is on but I made the mistake in the call and it kept crashing the application it took me a while to figure out it was because of how many calls it sent a second.


Sprint 12 - The Last Full Sprint

This sprint was out last full sprint. I spent the time fixing the bugs that appeared on the statistics page where the borders would sometimes fly to the top of the screen and cut off half the stats and also the bugs in where the stats would not appear.

The problem occurred sometimes when an anchored element would not be on the page so it would just slide up.



This was our last sprint and we also had other ca on so we had a lot of pressure to clean up the application and also get our other assignments done