Technical Portfolio - Misc Tasks


 Voice Acting

 Early on in our project, GUS' voice lines were not being automatically generated, and being a game developer with a love for voice acting I volunteered to do some voice lines for GUS. This involved me recording some lines and sending them on to Kieran who would then edit them.

Later on, these lines were scrapped due to the auto-generation of GUS' voice and time constraints, as there were a lot of voice-lines to record but I had to focus on other areas of development. 

I also created and voiced the video for our Alpha Demo:

Paper Prototype

For one of our early assignments, it was necessary for us to create a paper prototype. This involved demonstrating an acted out run-through of our game. To aid us in this, we created ABCs and the Actuator Cabinet that's present in our game from cardboard, velcro and pipe cleaner, and also created an early version of GUS.

The ABCs and wires were able to be disconnected from the cabinet by velcro and even featured the binary switches which were made of paper.

My role in the demonstration was that of GUS, so I wore the mask, voiced him, and gave the user assistance when he needed it. All this helped us to better understand how our end product was going to work.



Throughout the later development stages of the project, I was learning to use the Unity animator. Earlier I had been using programmatic animations, which were much harder to get to look good.

After dabbling and learning with the animator, I was able to create animations for the ABCs, which had a relatively complex animation controller due to the various states the ABC can be in, and the Scorecard, which I was able to bring to life by making it spin in and having text pop out.


During the early stages of the project, when I wasn't heavily involved in programming, I was working in a minor design role. This involved the creation of various concepts, which would help us visualize the end result of our game, and also the designing of a mood board using Photoshop.

Development of game concept using PhotoshopDevelopment of game concept showing AR overlay on machine
