Team Project Individual Portfolio


Personal InformationShikui.jpg

First Name: Shikui

Last Name: Wang

Course: Level 8 BSc(Hons) in Computing

Email address:

Connect with me: Linkedin | GitHub




My Roles And Language in this Project

Main Role: Front-end Developer

Minor Role: Lead Tester

Language: Kotlin | Vue.js | Microsoft | Adobe XD




Project Description




In our final year team project module, I am a member of Team Rojak. We are a group of five people to developing a Voice Recognition app entitled “TacTalk”. The project idea was given by our supervisor Kevin, in which the project would deliver a mobile innovative speech-recognition based solution and a supporting cloud system that would allow analysts to annotate a game in real-time, enabling them to collect and deliver information and analysis in a quicker manner then currently possible. The TcaTalk is being developed because Sports performance data for teams such as soccer and GAA is normally gathered and extracted manually by analysts from a video of games using expensive often cumbersome handheld technologies or gathered live in games using pen and paper methods. Our project also contains a web application to enable analysts to compare performances between teams at different levels.


Software Used

Android Studio + Kotlin - Used for build Application

NetBeans + Node.js - Used for the Server

MongoDB – Used for Database

Google Cloud - Used For Voice Recognition

Visual Studio Code + Python - Used For Audio Cutting and Overlapping