Welcome to my opening introductory page for my UX Design Project! For this project, I will be applying a UX Design approach to one of the past projects I have completed during my last semester for Full Stack in DkIT. The process will be composed of 5 stages:
- Stage 1: U/T/S/E Analysis
- Stage 2: User Profiling and Personas
- Stage 3: Existing Interface Evaluation
- Stage 4: Usability Evaluation
- Stage 5: Interface Redesign
This Project is a Ecommerce project developed for the Full Stack module I am taking in second year 1st semester . The idea behind this project was to develop an online shop that allows administrator, guests and registered users access different features, for example a guest user can only purchase, whereas registered user could view purchase history and can edit their own account as well as purchase stock, administrators could, have full access to products, can add, delete and edit products, can view purchase history of each user/guest and can delete each users account. I believe this project would be good for this UX Design CA due to the amount of user interaction it involves, and all the different features end users can try out, to allow for different tasks to be given to them.