Week 22 & 23 # Sprint 12 # 12.03.2021 - 24.03.2021 # Finalize App For Release 2

This is the sprint for our release 2, we start to finalize our apps and ready for the release. And there is good news that we had a meeting with Dr. Suzanne this sprint then we having some feedback from her.


  • API for Image Upload By User
  • Permission Level On Admin Site


  • Scrum Master

During this sprint, actually everyone clearly knowing what we want, and what feature we want to implement, but when Illya is developing the API for the image upload, Wenyu notice that the function Illya modified to accept the image is using JSON format but JSON format is not able to accept the image. So I start to research it and ask Illya if he able to modify it to change it to accept base64 format for the image otherwise the mobile application will just only send the location of the image locally.

  • Backend Developer 

At this sprint, I start to work on the admin site that able to let the admin access and review the data. Django actually provides a built-in admin site that can access by the user and it provides some basic functionality. I used the built-in website and create user group and user level that limit the user can only access a specific region of data if he is in role staff, but the admin role can access all the function inside the website. After that, I found a framework call simple-ui which is building on Django default admin site which is more beautiful. So I apply it to our project.

2021-03-24 (4).png

Then I start to work on the sample record displaying inside the database since it actually having someone to many relationships inside the database, so I need to include all of the data and make it display at one goal when the user is looking on the sample data.