Week 21 # Sprint 11 # 05.03.2021 - 10.03.2021 # Make Details On Map

This is sprint 11 in our team project, and because we plan to left 2 weeks as our last sprint, we decide to make this sprint become a 1-week sprint.


  • Let user taking the control
  • Showing Details On The Map


  • Scrum Master

After the discussion about the accuracy of our AI model is quite low, so we decide to let the user to taking the control on the feedback of the AI Model, so allow the user make to modifed the number of insect AI model detect, which can be save directly into the sample. And also we decide having a report problem page to allow user to report the issue when they found that the AI model is wrong.


  • Backend Developer

In order to achieve the task I mention just now, we create a API that accept and store the report problem into database.6_ReportProblem.png

It accepts the post request in the form with key report_image_path ( which is the actual image), report_problem (this is the title), and also the report_problem_description.

Beside that, I continue building the activity map since last sprint I had showing the marker in clustering on the map, but it not showing the data yet. So this week I modified it and make all the marker can having a infowindow, which showing some of the details on it. After clicking the more info on it, it will show up a modal with more details with it.

