Week 19 & 20 # Sprint 10 # 19.02.2021 - 03.03.2021 # Heat Map On Website

This is the first sprint in our release 2, luckily we having a meeting with Dr. Suzanne just before the presentation and get some feedback from her, so we having some objectives that we should achieve in release 2.


  • Become the TCP of the Team
  • Setup Our Own Admin Website


  • Scrum Master


After the feedback from Suzanne, we decided on our Release 2 Plan that will contain 

    1. Improvement for AI Model that calculates the insect tail to clarify between mayflies and Baetis.
    2. Adding Group 6 Insect into our application which actually disturbance.
    3. Having the feature allows the user to upload the image for an insect that lets the admin able review it.
    4. Having the feature allows the user to upload the image for the river that lets the admin able review it.
    5. Help Function That allows the user to check the documentation when confusing.
    6. The survey step for the user to take down the river site details
    7. Safety Guide and Term & Condition step to help users keep safe.
    8. Admin Site to review all data.
    9. Report problem function when AI Model goes wrong.
    10. And also some detailed improvements.

And after the user feedback, many of them are talking about it's hard to navigate through our apps, so Lee makes out the decision that we will change the flow of our application in order to help the application.

So in this sprint, I had been keeping talking with everyone and asking about the progress and also the protocol for the API they interact with.

  • Backend Developer



Since the last stage of the team project actually, Illya is almost spending all his time on the AI model, and I actually work 80% of the backend stuff including setting up the database, creating the API, and also hosting the website. So in this sprint I trying to give back some tasks to him to make him actually act as a backend lead in this project. I having a discussion with him and talk about I am going to leave most of the API stuff maintenance task to him, and I will focus on working admin site that able admin to review all the data.

At this sprint I had build the activity map that able the admin view on the record using Google Maps API.

