Week 7 & 8 # Sprint 3 # 13.11.2020 - 25.112020 # Start For Project

This is sprint 3 in our project, and this week we are starting to build up our application.


  • Planing Release 1
  • Setup Server
  • Building Database
  • Start First Sprint in First Release


  • Scrum Master

This is a very busy and full of misery week, at the before we start the first sprint, we had a meeting about what is our first release will be like, so after the discussion and looking at the requirement, we have a result of the first release include is like 

  1. Build the Arduino Hardware to Collect
  • GPS Location
  • Ph value
  • Temperature
  1. Store All the Historical Data Gather by Hardware
  2. Building AI Model For Insect Recognition
  3. Build a Mobile Application
  • Able User Take Photo and user AI Model Recognize insect
  • Showing Historical Data

I had emailed to Suzanne about the plan we have for release 1, and she said that looks fine for the current plan.

And also for the first sprint in this release, the goal we have is 

Building The Initial Project

  1. Setup Server
  2. Setup Database
  3. Blank Template for UI
  4. Preparation for the AI Model

So we start to build the server and Ui template, prepare for having an AI model.

  • Backend Developer

At this week, I start to build the server and database by using the Django framework, and the database we use is auto-generate by developing the models in Django framework.  

After having the database, I had written the function to get all the waterbody data from epa.ie API, currently we have 4845 rows of river data in hour database.

And this is our database schema current having, it is a bit different from the version we have before



  • Scrum Master

When we start our first release, I really afraid about I had the story point overestimated or underestimated, I know that we would not have a specific right answer for that, but I afraid my estimation is far away from it. 

And also when our teammate starts to going to code, they found that the react-native learning curve is higher than they thought if they want to use other plugin or template directly, for example, Voon Dic spend a lot of time struggle with the dependency error. I aware that might delay our release process, but I don't know how to help him solve the problem, luckily he solves the problems after.

And also when Illya start to building the AI model because Suzanne is still sourcing the image of the insect, so he need to find most of the image online is category himself, so he spends a lot of time to doing that, and I advise him just gather the image for only first group of insect and try to build the model, let's see will it work before going too far for gathering image.


  • Backend Developer

When developing the database for application , the database schema is not same with what we expect at the first, but it didn't affect too much, so I change some field from boolean to Charfield, and most of the field to nullable, because when I gather all the data from epa.ie API, there is some error occur when I trying to store the data as boolean, and also some record are not provided for every single waterbody, there are consider as additional data.