Gathering ideas(30/9/20 - 07/10/20)

Geathering ideas from each member, and have a descussion about thoes ideas, including the concept, description, technique,functionalities, target user, advantage, disadvantage/Difficults.

At the same time we also disscused the roles for each member, each member got a main role and 1 or 2 sub-roles.

We arranged  2 meetings during the period, the first meeting we collected ideas and record them into a excel form (ideas sheet in shared link) .

The second meeting we rearrange the roles(roles sheet in shared link) and gave the points(1-5, 1 means do not recommand to do this idea, 5 means strongly reconnamd to do the idea) then got a rank for 9 ideas.

the details can be seen here: CCCMI ideas and roles (the link will keeping updating) or you can download the current version from attachement.