Games Development Year 4 - Ciaran Mooneys Journal /
Week 24 - Beta - Test Results and Roadmap

This week I worked on getting the test results into a nicer format and summarize what we needed from our user testing. I also worked on the roadmap side of our group portfolio. 


Test Results

I gathered our results from last weeks user testing session in ABB and displayed them in a more functional way. I calculated out our SUS score into excel sheets and gave a general breakdown of what it means. We had a score of 60 which is just on the point of being a usable application. I expressed my thoughts on potential bias and how the SUS score is still only a general guideline that people follow. I also re-hashed what difficulties came about. I focused on specific areas where there were issues and noted all bugs people found when playing. These were all wrote out in the testing document set up between me and Kieran Keegan.


Mahara Roadmap

I attempted work on the Mahara road-map. I began thinking of a potentially viable way of constructing the road-map in Mahara using the knowledge from previous pages. I spent quite some time attempting to get some visual resources for the page and attempting CSS animations on parts that would need it. I had some difficulty getting this right as Mahara is tricky to develop these kinds of web designs in. I ended up leaving this as there were a number of issues I could not sort out from Mahara. I made the plans to then develop a poster version that could just be a large image to use instead. It would have been nice to have the interactivity and more responsiveness however I found it to be non-viable in Mahara.



The issue this week was on developing the road-map. I spent quite a number of hours attempting this before eventually summing up that it was not possible in the time we had.