GD4 Team Project /
Week 24 - Bugfixes/Polish


This week:

  • We met with ABB to get some user feedback
  • I used this feedback to make tweaks to our game



Meeting with ABB

We had previously organized a meeting with ABB in order to get some user testing for our game. This was key as the software had progressed significantly since the last time we met. While the user testing was ongoing we recorded the conversation in case we needed to go back to the key points that were raised.

The first thing to note as that the game was very buggy and prone to crashing, I myself had not experienced this in my testing. This highlights the importance of getting someone other than yourself to test your software. Secondly, while Brian was able to progress through the puzzle with relative ease, another member of the ABB team had an extremely difficult time getting through the puzzle as he was not an engineer. We quickly realized that this meant that only those with a certain level of baseline knowledge would be able to play the game. Ideally, anyone should be able to pick up the HoloLens, launch the game and then develop some engineering skills.

After the user testing, we recorded Brian saying a few words about the applications of Augmented Reality in industry, which we will use in our documentary/trailer.


Implementing tweaks

As previously mentioned, one thing that we took from our meeting with ABB was that a player with no training will have almost no idea how to play the game. Before each step is processed by the event system, I implemented functionality that first checks if the step was correct or not. If the step was incorrect, it is not completed and a GUS sound is played which tells the player which step he should do instead. This ensures that a player with no knowledge will be able to complete the puzzle and is actually a better system overall as the player is immediately told what the correct procedure is.

Points are still deducted for incorrect answers, and this also solves an issue where the player could get lost in the puzzle and not know which step he needs to complete in order to finish the game.