This week i worked on creating the end screen which is a report card. This card is for feedback to the user and should display their grade, the actions they performed and whether these actions are wrong or right and lastly it should display the time taken to complete the scenario.
Report Card Creation
For the report card i started by creating some concept for what it might look like. I had a few different iterations and tried to keep to the theme of Training Day. I found one concept which followed the UI guidelines as closely as possible and kept the color scheme of the project. I created each of the graphical components in photoshop to be used in unity on the canvas' and panels.
I created the card in unity using the Canvas UI elements and panels and text objects. I included a close button and then began tying in some functionality. I edited some existing scripts to keep track of the time the scenario is taken to complete and each action in between. I created a button manager to keep track of button actions also. I created a script that used the information from the game to populate and display the scorecard. This was called when the scenario was finished. For animations I used cormacs serial UI animator. This was to display each action one after another.
My issue this week was that I had to animate the list of actions and I had not learnt the Unity Animator. I used cormacs component for animating however it didnt work and needed changes to make it work.I have since learned the animator and have been putting it to proper use in Unity.
Update: Arnas went back over and added some animations to the score card himself.