GD4 Team Project /
Week 21 - Beginning the Beta Release


For this week:

  • We began our beta release
  • I started writing code documentation
  • Learned and used the unity animation system



Code Documentation

In the previous release, I would be handling the implementation of team members scripts into the scene, which would take up a lot of my time. In this Beta Release, team members will be working on the scene themselves, freeing up my time to focus on polishing the existing scripts. This requires them to have a decent understanding of the scripts and architecture of the codebase, so I created a google docs file and wrote up about what the various scripts do, how they work, and how they integrate together into what is our game; which should give them a base level of knowledge.



Beforehand, the animation of the door opening and the ABC coming out of the cabinet was done using Unity's Coroutines (programmatical animations).

I looked up some tutorials on the unity animation system and after practicing a little bit I used it to create animations for the game. I created various animations for the ABC, and I also created the controller for these animations which, depending on various states which can be changed in-game, handle the transition between animations.


Animator.PNGAnimation controller, the various parameters and states can be seen



I finished functionality to allow for the ability for wires to be taken in and out of an ABC through our EventSystem.

I implemented all cable models from Charlie, this includes the Ethernet, CommsDB9 and VDC24 cables, which are plugged into an ABC.



The finished ABC

I made some changes to scripts to allow for a full run-through of our first puzzle, this includes:

  1. Turning the power off
  2. Taking the three wires out in the correct order (Ethernet, CommsDB9, VDC24)
  3. Replacing the faulty ABC with a new one
  4. Setting the binary address on the new ABC (VDC24, CommsDB9, Ethernet)
  5. Plugging in all three wires in the correct order
  6. Turning the power on



Source Control

This week, a team member did not follow the recommendations for source control, where before making a commit, you stash your changes, pull the latest code, pop the stash, and commit (allowing for minimal conflicts and almost no need for merges).

This caused the live version of the project hosted on bitbucket to be corrupted and is affecting the workflow of the team. so steps are being taken to minimize the effect of this. Team members were advised that they can continue working, but not pull the new version until this issue is resolved.