GD4 Team Project /
Week 18

This week:

  • I prepared the game demo for our meeting with ABB
  • We met with ABB for a presentation of our game, and demonstrated its features.



Demo Preperation

I worked on preparing the demo for our meeting with ABB, this involved implementing the binary switch puzzle and GUS into the scene, as well as ensuring the input system would work smoothly. I built the demo application onto the HoloLens and tested it several tiems, repeating the process until any remaining bugs were fixed.


ABB Meeting

We met at ABB the next day, where we presented to a room of ABB engineers and developers. First we ran through a powerpoint outlining some of the newer features of the game and then I demonstrated the game on the HoloLens. A few technical errors between Unity and the HoloLens livestream feature meant that there was a delay, and to go around this I ended up recording some of the gameplay and then playing it back while describing the features.

Although this was a minor hiccup, in future we'll have tested the recording functionality fully, and if needed I'll record a gameplay demo which we can demonstrate to all people present, and then allow anyone who wishes to play the demo to do so.

Overall the meeting went quite well, the feedback we got was very useful, among the things mentioned were scalability and usability. It was mentioned that the game itself could be a valuable tool to train engineers in numerous scenarios. After this presentation we talked about the next phase of the development of the game and realised that the input system in it's current state would not be able to handle the level of detail needed. The only input we have is the HoloLens tap, and to simplify interactions a reworking of the input system is needed.