GD4 Team Project /
Week 17 - GUS Tips and AI


This week:

  • I spent the majority of my time working on my individual portfolio, but...
  • I implemented a system where GUS can assist the user if he needs help.



GUS Hint System

It was necessary to develop a system which would aid the user in case they don't know what to do.

The State Monitor which can figure out if a puzzle step was incorrect or correct passes this information to the Hint System. If a user got the same step wrong twice, GUS' help level will increase from None to Normal, and in future, a sound will be played to assist the user in his task. If the user gets it wrong another time, the help level will increase again and GUS will give a detailed description of what needs to be done.

A string is built from what the user got wrong and GUS' help level, e.g. "GusHelpEthernetNormal" or "GusHelpVDC24High", these strings will be passed to a Sound Player, which Kieran is working on, which will then play the required sounds.