This week we had our team choice finalized! Those who were having issues when teaming up resolved them and by tuesday we had our team of 6 confirmed. We began to get set up across our social medias and google drive as a way of communicating and sharing ideas together. We started by agreeing we needed two solid pitch ideas at least and also a team name.
Team Name:
Our team names we had thought of that were voted for were; Primordial, Grumble, Qubits and Flipside. My personal favorite out of these was Grumble however the most voted for one was Flipside and given how we needed to get on with things Flipside was chosen as our team name.
We planned our team meetings and got talking about ideas, what technologies we wanted to involve and what our goals were. We had some ideas with games using Augmented Reality and computer game ideas as well however we were still fleshing out these ideas through this week.